Horacio Printing Blog
The Day After Perfect
Perfectionism has many lies it hides behind, I am going to uncover a few for you!
Confessions of a Small Business Owner
When fear steps in
Take our 'No'vember challenge! What are you saying no to this month?
Lysa TerKeurst said it best when she stated, “Whenever you say yes to something, there is less of you for something else. Make sure your yes is worth the less.”
Take Every Thought Captive
"We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." 2 Corinthians 10:5
We know that this is what we should do, 'take every thought captive,' but HOW ON EARTH do I actually do this?
How I Set Up My Planner - Horizontal Layout
Want some tips and tricks on how to set up your Dream Planner? Our founder walks you through how she sets up her 2018-2019 Dream Planner in the Horizontal layout. Check out this video to get some inspiration!