Breaking Soul Ties with Amy Brady
Have you ever heard of a soul tie?
Have you ever broken a soul tie?
Do you still think, dream about, and stalk your exes?
Is a soul tie holding you back from walking in freedom with the Lord?
I sat with my Spiritual Director Amy Brady to discuss this important topic. We are called to live LIGHT and FREE. I pray this conversation starts your journey towards healing from shame by uncovering hidden idols and traps from the enemy. You are not alone!
I asked questions like....
What is a soul tie?
How does it manifest in our lives?
Are soul ties always from sexual relationships?
How do we break soul ties?
Is there hope for freedom?
Let's GO there!
Matthew 18:18, says "Truly I tell you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven."

Ready to walk in freedom & redesign your life? We dive into soul ties, fears, limiting beliefs, dreams, planners, and freedom in the Dream Crafting Course! Learn more here:
Connect with Amy Brady (book a Spiritual Direction call!):
Link to Podcast mentioned on Soul Ties: (Episode 41-47)
Follow Amy on Instagram -> @evergreensoulwellness
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