The inspiration behind our new design

– The Heavenly Planner –

I found myself on an airplane window seat earlier this year. Staring out at the sky as we acceded to 30,000 feet above earth. There is something about being a little closer to heaven and a little far above earth that gives me peace and fresh perspective. I love this time to write, to read, to pray and just think. As I stared out at the clear line above the clouds I began to dream of Heaven. Heaven is the beautiful promise of our destiny with God. I began to hum the song redemption rain my head.

"Won’t you come up here. Come up now. Won't you leave your worries, below the clouds. And let His beauty fill your lungs. The heavenly chorus has begun. Come up here." – Redemption Rain by Melissa Hunter. (listen here) 

I then decided to make Heaven the theme of the 2017 planner.

It's amazing how when we allow our mind to focus on Heaven our earthly issues grow so small. I could see my problems getting smaller and began to look down on them with fresh perspective. Heaven is a beautiful place and a beautiful promise to let your mind rest and renew.

This planner is built to remind you to keep your head in the clouds, hearing whispers from the Holy Spirit, and dreaming God-sized dreams. We want this planner to be a special place to co-labor with God in creating heaven on earth with your imagination. You are creative, God blessed you with an imagination and he delights when you use it!

Our day to day life is constantly bombarded with tasks, obligations and ‘earthly matters.’ This planner is built to be a reminder to let your mind dwell above earthly matters and keep your eyes, ears and heart open and receptive to your Father’s voice. As difficult situations and trials come your way, you can walk out this year with joy, peace, purpose and faith knowing that you God is bigger then anything you face on earth. He is with you and He is for you. Keep Dreaming!





October 12, 2016 — Polly Payne

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